Study: Pesticides Can Transfer to Marijuana Smoke

Buying organic might be a good idea for your food as well as your weed. Cannabis tester Jeffrey Raber conducted a recent study that found up to 70 percent of pesticides found in marijuana can transfer to the smoke when inhaled.

”I think that what’s so alarming to us is that such a huge amount of pesticide material could be transferred,” Raber said. “And, you have to consider that when you inhale (something), it’s much like injecting it directly into your blood stream.”

Raber, who holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of Southern California, runs a medical cannabis testing laboratory in Los Angeles called the Werc Shop. The lab performed a small random study that found more than 35 percent of marijuana from dispensaries failed pesticide tests.

”I think all that says is we really, really need some serious regulations within California to help us clean up our supply, especially in the medical patient context,” Raber said. “These are people that are immunocompromised, they’re undergoing chemotherapy, they’re very sick with antibacterial loads. We can’t be subjecting them to more of these types of potentially harmful contaminants when they’re looking to this as a medicine source.”

Raber recently presented the study in a lecture at Humboldt State University, which can be viewed online. (Via

Study: Pesticides Can Transfer to Marijuana Smoke

Article by Oscar Pascual for Smell the Truth

