WIT Research Shows Marijuana Can Cure Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C has negatively impacted millions of lives, and medical researchers have tried for decades to develop a vaccine with no luck.  But today, our team at the Wyoming Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that, with the help of our pharmaceutical partners, we’ve cracked the code and can deliver a cost-effective vaccine and cure to the world within the next 14 to 18 months… and we owe it all to cannabis.

Our research into the field of hepatitis C vaccination began last fall, after one of our interns had alleged that she had completely “cured” herself of hepatitis C by edifying and vaporizing a strain of cannabis that she herself had invented, which she calls “Chunky Crimson.”  Upon further investigation, we found that she had not actually cured herself completely, but her initial findings prompted us to launch a full study, which began in our facility in Denver, Colorado in January of 2014.

In May, the WIT team, working closely with a medical marijuana dispensary in Denver and also with a team from GlaxoSmithKline, developed a trial medication based on “Chunky Crimson” which is consumed three times daily, and coupled with a suppository admitted once daily.  Human trials showed that 99.8% of recipients of the test drug were fully cured of Hepatitis C, while the remaining 0.2% showed signs of reversal, and could theoretically be cured with continued administering of the rectal suppository alone.

Pending FDA approval, WIT hopes to begin human trials on a needle-administered vaccine shot later this year.  Meanwhile, the FDA is also reviewing our existing tested drug, which GlaxoSmithKline hopes to begin selling on the market in 2015.  Both drugs should hopefully be available globally in 2016.

WIT does not endorse the illegal production or sale of marijuana.  However, those with legal access to medical or recreational marijuana, in states where marijuana products are deregulated, are encouraged to administer at-home trials using legal marijuana.  The marijuana should be smoked, edified, and/ or inserted rectally once per day.  Please email us at feedback@witscience.org and describe any reactions you may encounter while attempting this.

WIT Research Shows Marijuana Can Cure Hepatitis C

Press Release via Wyoming Institute of Technology

