The History of 420

In 1971, somewhere around harvest time in California, a group of San Rafael High School students, known as “the Waldos” because they liked to congregate outside class against the wall, inherited a map. It allegedly led to a crop of abandoned cannabis plants near the Point Reyes Peninsula Coast Guard station, just up the coast from San Francisco. The friends planned to meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to see if the map was real. For weeks, the Waldos gathered at 4:20 and hopped in a ’66 Chevy Impala, smoking joints the whole way out. The Waldos never actually found the hidden treasure, yet the term “420″ became embedded in their dialogue, referring to their favorite plant while teachers and parents were conveniently left in the dark…



(The History of 420 – Weed Finder News  |  Article/Video Credit: Rolling Stone)

